Wednesday, February 16, 2011

SpirFit Program Day 1: Spiritual Component and BMI

This blog is Day One of the SpirFit program. This program will help you whether you want to lose weight, become more athletic, become healthier, or if you have any other fitness goals. In each day, I will usually end the blog with some simple actions for you to take. Let me first begin with a quick review/summary of the previous lesson.

Review/Summary of Previous Day
In the previous blog (which was my introduction to the 40 day plan), I talked about my former employers, who were also my mentors and professors in nutrition and exercise science, and I talked about how some of them were not in shape. This is generally because they don’t have the spiritual,mental, and emotional state to habitually do what they know. This is a demonstration of why SpirFit teachings (which includes spiritual, emotional, and mental guidance in addition to science-based nutrition and exercise information) are necessary for anyone to reach their fitness goals.

Reaffirming the Importance of Spiritual Component in Fitness
If you are still unclear on the link between spiritual practice and physical health, let me give you one example. In various spiritual teachings, practitioners are taught to delay short-term gratification for long term gains. This is generally taught in many different faiths including (but not limited to) Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. Practitioners are taught to persevere in some short-term discomfort or pain in order to achieve a more important (and more gratifying) long term gain. (Hebrews 10:36) Those who are faithfully trained in such may apply these same principles of perseverance and delayed gratification to their eating habits and exercise habits. Improving your health habits to take care of your body (also known as the temple of God) is consistent with Christian teachings as well as Buddhist monks’ emphasis in training the body along with the mind and spirit.

Although the spiritual part of SpirFit teachings are based on Judeo-Christian teachings (and consistent with Muslim teachings), you do not have to belong to any of these faiths to take advantage of this program.

Action Items
Although spiritual teachings are important, so are science-based tools. The first action you need to take today is using a tool called BMI. It’s actually quite simple to find out your BMI and should take only a few minutes.

Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is a general (but quantitative) indicator of whether you are underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. To find out your BMI, simply go to and enter your values. (Generally, BMI range of 18 – 24.9 is considered normal weight. BMI range of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight. BMI of 30 or above is considered obese.)

The second action you need to take is starting a SpirFit file. It could simply be a SpirFit folder in your computer containing a Word document where you enter information and progress (as I will guide you to do). You could also have a physical (paper) binder or folder where you keep notes and journal as you go along. After starting your SpirFit file and folder, simply write or type in your BMI and put today’s date.

Summary of Today’s Simple Actions

1. Find out your BMI from
2. Create a SpirFit folder in your computer with a Word document to keep your SpirFit notes and progress.

Optional Reading
If you have the extra time and want to learn more about BMI, feel free to visit the following:

For Day 2 of this SpirFit Program, click below

For more lessons like this one, feel free to go to -

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