Friday, October 18, 2013

Neti Pot for Colds and Seasonal Allergies

Before I offer you the objective information (links below) such as those from medical sources, I will tell you my personal experience with the effective use of the neti pot.  When I had a bacterial infection in my sinuses and head (a few years ago) causing heavy nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, and fever, I used the neti pot to clear my nasal passages (in addition to gargling with warm salt water to clear my throat.)  It made a huge difference in not only clearing my sinuses, but it relieved the headache, and that feeling of pressure in my head was also relieved.  (It works better if you use the neti pot in addition to the conventional remedies.)

Dr. James Li, M.D., Ph.D. (of the Mayo Clinic) explains how the Neti Pot is effective for colds and seasonal allergies at-

Dr. James Li, M.D., Ph.D. (of the Mayo Clinic) explains how to prepare the solution for the Neti Pot at -

Instructions on how to use the Neti Pot are located at -

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