Friday, December 6, 2013

Working with Your Company

To companies we have worked with and to companies we will work with, we want to thank you for hiring us to serve and educate your customers and the public. We also want to remind you of our standards in educating your customers.

Win-Win-Win Situation
When you hire us to educate your customers, we will review your company’s products and we will recommend only those products we honestly believe (according to our expert knowledge) to be beneficial to consumers.  So far, we’ve always been able to find products (from every company we’ve worked with) that we can recommend to the public.  (As for your products that we cannot recommend, we will simply not mention them.)

Recommending only the products we deem healthy based on science is a win-win-win situation benefiting your company, consumers, and us.  It is better for your company if your potential customers listen to us (in buying some of your products regularly) than if your customers don’t listen to us at all (because they see us as sales people or advertisers recommending all the products from your company).

If we don’t adhere to this standard, we will lose credibility with consumers and the public.  If that happens, we would become useless as health, fitness, and science educators and thereby useless to your company.  In that case, everybody loses. 

Educators in Health, Fitness, Science, Academics, and Other Areas
We focus on truly benefiting the public.  As a result of this focus, we are gradually reaching more and more people.  We have an average reach of 200 people per day mostly online and in-person through workshops.  Also, we have over 3000 followers on various social media platforms.  Our reach is gradually growing.

To re-emphasize, we are educators (in health, fitness, and other areas), but we are not sales people.  We at the SpirFit Academy need to keep our scientific integrity, in order to maintain imprimatur from science professors and academia.  No amount of money is worth jeopardizing this. 

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve and educate your prospective consumers and current customers.

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