Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Habitual Thoughts Determine Results

“If you want to know what you were thinking a year ago, just look at your life today.” - Jack Canfield

This quote is a very strong reminder for me. Your thoughts are like seeds. You sow them today, but you may not get results immediately. Many people do not understand this in our microwave culture of quick results. (That’s why diet pills sell despite their potential long-term ineffectiveness and harmfulness, as I’ve written previously.)

Not that your thoughts are all you need. However, it is one of the most important step or routine. You have to get into the habit of setting aside time to think of what and how you want to be and visualize where you want your life to go. This is absolutely true also for your physical fitness. Bodybuilders and fitness competitors know this. This is also true for physical healing of medical conditions (as well as emotional and psychological healing) as I've learned first-hand in my medical battle years ago.

“For as he thinketh within himself, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7 (ASV)

We really have to be careful of what we think about or where our mind goes everyday. I can’t speak for everyone, but it’s a constant and conscious effort for me to direct my mind on where I want it to go and away from the negative places of where I don’t want it to go. I have to always try to remember that stinkin thinkin causes stinkin results. Stinkin results add up to a stinkin life.

Again, just the right thinking (and visualization) is an important step or daily habit, but it’s not all you need. It is also important to be connected to the Divine Power of God by praying/talking with God. Your spiritual state, emotional state, and the state of your faith is very important to go along with your thought. For example, if you have fear, hatred, doubt, or resentment in you, your seeds (or thoughts) will not produce the good harvest you want (or your desired results).

So, we should be routinely sowing good thoughts, while being in the right state.

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